Authors Note
All frameworks have moved to a new home at Strategy Umwelt. Please join me at this new platform for an updated and revised list of mental models, strategy frameworks and principles.
Often called the 1:9:90 rule. Designed to define the ratios of participation in Internet communities.
Dave McClure's seminal metrics framework for Startups to ensure the right measurements are being utilised.
A mindset for CEO's from Jack Dorsey, via Steve Job's. Limit the details, and make everything perfect.
From Ryan Germick, Google Doodle Team Leader on a process for creating great designs that ship.
A simple decision making framework that distinguishes between important and urgent tasks.
From physics, a model around breaking things down to their fundamental truths and reasoning up for more powerful ideas.
Our bias in labelling people or ideas on first impressions, and our inability to reconsider these judgements despite evidence.
From Richard Feynman, a technique to rapidly learn and recall new information or ideas.
The science of flow, and various techniques to introduce greater flow and creativity in life.
A framework for creating greater rigour around UX Metrics to better evaluate user experience changes in products.
From Donald Rumsfeld, a simple model for defining the three states of what we know.
Derived from lean manufacturing techniques, an approach to building businesses through validated learning.
From the book Sway, our bias on being more motivated to avoid pain than seeking pleasure, and our overreaction to perceived losses.
Building a better Organizational Strategy utilising Diagnosis of the Business Problem, Guiding Principles and Coherent Actions.
A model also called the 80/20 rule, designed to explain how 80% of the effects come from 20% of the inputs or causes.
An outline of Google Ventures 5 Day Product Design Sprint cycle, designed to rapidly create better products and iterations.
A trilemma model often applied to the variables of Time, Quality and Cost to justify Project Management decisions on projects.
A framework to provide a simple view of digital efforts, sense check measurement strategies and identify any gaps or opportunities.
James Webb Young's seminal five step process to kick start creativity in Advertising.
A model explaining situations in which a collective destroy their long-term viability by depleting a common resource.
Jeff Bezos model to prevent group think and ensure productive team output.
A model developed by Google to explain the changes to the purchase funnel due to the influence of digital.
John Kotter's seminal thesis on creating a blueprint for organisational adaptation.
From Tomer Sharon, how to apply agile methodologies to existing User Experience techniques.
From the book Sway, the science behind the dangers of using monetary incentives to increase motivation.
The danger of single metrics, and a framework for pairing metrics together for more actionable insight.
From the book Sway, our bias around our expectations of fairness and how to avoid these traps.
A model to help individuals, startups or organizations find new product opportunities at the intersection of friction, passion and technology.
A simple framework to help craft messages that "stick to the ribs" and resonate with their intended audience.
A recombinational strategy defined by starting from a normal base and applying a "super normal" twist for great products.
Dieter Rams manifesto on the Ten Principle of Good Design, featuring product examples.
A framework for evolving personal skills as a marketer to deal with the growing complexity of digital.
From Sway, our bias in imbuing people or objects with certain qualities based on perceived value, rather than objective data.